Introduction –
Anything that we envisage helps us to retain the image of the thing in our brain for a
long period of time. Visualizing architecture is the outcome of a long endeavor of
texturing, lighting, modelling, and rendering the 3D scene.
In this modern life cycle, architects want to get their projects done easily and
communicate their ideas effortlessly with co-workers and clients. Therefore,
visualizing architecture is a good source of communication. Visualizing
Architecture takes place before the project begins.

- Visualization has been a crucial discipline in the field of architecture since
ancient times. It allows architects and construction planners to manifest their
vision and present in a comprehensible way. With technological advancement, today,
3D rendering can be defined as a technique used to graphical represent a structure
or prepare a 3D model of the structure using computer animation. - There are several software available which modern-day architects and designers use
to prepare intricately detailed illustrations that can give a client or constructor
a photo realistic view of the exterior as well as the interior of the proposed building. - With the emergence of technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and Virtual reality (VR),
the experience of viewing an architectural illustration is getting more and more immersive. - 3D designs can do much more than a traditional blueprint or sketch. 3D rendering allows the
architects to create designs and walk through experiences which can be viewed from multiple
angles so that the client can get a clear perspective of the architect’s vision. These designs
can give the client a virtual experience to realize what the building would look like as well
as understand it’s features.
3D visualization makes it simple to identify loopholes and design errors from the first stage of the
design that are immediately fixed or an appropriate alternative are provided. The building or structural
designs can be reviewed before they are materializing with 3D rendering and architectural visualization.
Such concepts can be used for cost estimation/optimization, finalization of the to-be utilized materials,
eliminating design faults, upgrading or downgrading a design, avoiding clashes or conflicts in the design,
assessing its sustainability, etc.
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